3 Mac 2022

Naruko Tea Tree Anti-Acne Sunscreen SPF 50 Review


Today, I'm going to review the Naruko Tea Tree Anti-Acne Sunscreen SPF 50 . Boleh dikatakan produk Naruko is my favourite product. I dah consume almost 1 months something. Lets read.

Product name : Naruko Tea Tree Anti-Acne Sunscreen SPF 50 
Product Brand : Naruko
Product Type : Sunscreen
Size : 30ml 
Price : RM44.10 (its depends on the sales)
Availabilty : https://invol.co/cl76ct8

What it claims? 

It is for sun protection & sunscreen, anti bacteria, oil contol, anti acne & also blemish control

How to use?

I just drop dekat into my finger dan apply into the whole my face. Sometimes, I terus tuang je kat muka. Ikut atas cara korang pakai. Tapi jangan apply banyak sangat kang nampak sangat kita ni pakai foundation. Apa-apa hal pun, goncang botol sebelum apply ye.

Packaging ?

Botol kecil yang ada corong di muncungnya. I tak berapa suka sebab bila tuang kat muka, terus keluar banyak. I think better buat pumping bottle. But you can bring everywhere dan tak perlu nak terasa terbeban.

The Smell/Colour/consistency ?

Like you see, digambar I diatas tu, sunscreen ni seakan foundation. Bila tepek kat muka, rasa ringan je. Nampak macam foundation tapi bukan sebenarnya. Warna memang sama tapi rasa tu lain. Btw, bau natural je tak menyengat hidung pun.

How I feels : 

To be honest, motif I beli this sunscreen sebab sunscreen I dari Mary Kay dah habis terus. Sebelum ni I ada baca review pasal sunscreen ni memang best bestlah reviewnya. Bila dah review from others ok, kenapa I tak try? Gittew? I tak nak komen banyak banyak sebab produk ni sesuai and I'll purchase later.

Recommended? :

Overall this is a very good product very suitable with my skin. I'll purchase later!


(Disclaimer : This is not paid review. I bought with my own money. Tapi setiap kulit berbeza-beza. What works for me may be not work for you. This is just my personal experience. Try & error gurl)


Cikgu OM~ nak tanya.. Apa beza sunscreen ngan sunblock?

Ulasan ini telah dialihkan keluar oleh pengarang.

sunscreen ni bila apply dia akan meresap sampai ke dalam lapisan kulit,
sunblock pulak as a tembok yang mghalang dari sinar UV.
tapi kedua dua ni pelindung cahaya matahari. hehehhehe kiranya sama je cuma fungsi ada sikit berbeza.

Wah paling penting bau tu then feeling after apply. Kalau rasa kulit tak bernafas tak syiok juga.

Selalu malas pakai sunblock atau sunscreen tapi lately kena pakai sebab ada masalah kulit...maybe dari pemakaian face mask..

Sila tinggalkan comment korang disini!