18 سبتمبر 2020

Klairs Gentle Black Deep Cleansing Oil Review


Klairs Gentle Black Deep Cleansing Oil Review | Today, I'm going to review the Klairs Gentle Black Deep Cleansing Oil . Klairs satu jenama produk Korea yang banyak review baik-baik. Daku decide untuk cuba produk ni.  Disebabkan cleanser foam klairs always sold out, why not daku cuba cleansing oil pulak kan? Before this daku guna cleansing oil from Biore, tapi tak review pun lagi. Bapaklah pemalasnya daku ni.

Jadi, lets read.


#1 Product Details

Product name : Klairs Gentle Black Deep Cleansing Oil
Product Brand : Klairs
Product Type : Oil Cleansing
Size : 150ml
Price : RM136 (its depends on the sales) 
Availabilty : Klairs Store Malaysia, Hermo.my, Marshear.my, Wishtrend.com

#2 What it claims? 

- Helpful for skin care
- Easily washable texture without causing any irritation.
- To maintain skins moisture even after cleansing.
- To control sebum production
- To provide skin soothing

#3 Ingredients?

Oil cleansing ni bukan sahaja oil tapi ianya combination of natural black grains. Bahan nilah diekstark dri nature untuk menjaga kulit korang dengan baik.

1. Black Bean Oil : Black beans helps to control the sebum production, increases the skin elasticity and provides a soothing effect.

2. Black Sesame Oil : Black sesame prevent dehydration and skin aging while providing powerfuk antioxidant effects.

3. BlackCurrant Seed Oil : BlackCurrant Seed Oil strengthens the skins protective layer to prevent the evaporation of moisture from the skin. It promots skin cell regeneration and provides antioxidnar effects by containing various minerals.

#4 How to use?

I just drop dekat into my finger dan apply into the whole my face. Massagelah muka korang ye, jangan dok gonyoh-gonyoh on your face. After massanging, jangan wipe off dengan tisu tapi rinse off with lukewarm water for 3-4 kali. 

Make sure bila nak letak kat muka tu, muka korang bebas dari air. Kang bila kena air tak best pulak dok gonyoh-gonyoh.

#5 Packaging ?

Didatangkan dengan 150ml, berbotol plastik coklat clear transparent with pumping. Just pump and keluarlah oil cleansing ni.

#6 The Smell/Colour/consistency ?

Like you can see, gambar I diatas tu, colour seakan transparent bukan putih ya. Bau pulak dah macam bau herba. Texturenya tak pekat pun, cair bak hang. Letak je kat tangan terus melimpah ruah jatuh.

#7 How I feels : 

I feels nothing. So far so good. Kulit tak alahan pun tapi baunya yang herba herbi tu, I pertahankan jua. Bila massange into your whole face, memang akan rasa feel wow, bagusnya product ni tak sama dengan Biore. Biore susah sangat nak washable tapi yang ni bila cuci dengan air memang cepat je tanggal.

#8 Recommended? :

Overall this is a very good product very suitable with my skin. I'll purchase later!

(Disclaimer : This is not paid review. I bought with my own money. Tapi setiap kulit berbeza-beza. What works for me may be not work for you. This is just my personal experience. Try & error gurl)

هناك 3 تعليقات:

  1. pernah guna tapi taksesuai dengan kulit sha haha pakai biore ja ok

  2. masa awal2 pakai dulu tak suka oil cleansing ni tapi bila kulit muka tunjuk perubahan rasa happy je massage muka

  3. Baru beli Simple Cleansing Oil tapi belum pakai lagi. Hopefully sesuai dengan kulit. I love Supple Preparation Toner from Klairs. Hydrating dan yang paling penting sesuai dengan kulit.

    Syaza | www.syazaraihanah.com


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